Flixya sudah di Banned Google Adsense, ini lah topik yang akan kita bahas, apakah benar Flixya di Banned Google Adsense ?, mungkin itu yg anda tanya2, denger2 saya katanya karena banyak user situs flixya melakukan pelanggaran hak cipta mulai dari video, foto, dan postingan teks.mungkin kita semua tidak mau kalau flixya di banned, tapi apa daya kita kalau gugel udah bertindak.
nah ini saya dapatkan waktu gugling :
Flixya what you need to know.Flixya is a start-up video sharing service, much like YouTube and Google Video. Unlike its competitors, Flixya provides user incentives to share and upload videos. Flixya gives you 100% of the revenue that is earned when surfers click on the ads that are displayed. Flixya is the number one Google Adsense revenue share website.Flixya is associated with one of the top ad revenue sharing programs in the internet right now, and I’m talking about Google Adsense. All you have to do is to include your Google publisher code in your profile and there you have it! Flixya 2.0 is a popular social networking, online video sharing community which just re-launched. Version 2.0 is bigger and better.The whole idea behind Flixya is fantastic for the person who is writing articles uploading pictures or blogging away. It does really help one gain adsense revenue. There is one major problem with Flixya and it is a great way to get your account banned from google adsense. A lossed Google Adsense account would ruin all your hard work at this point and is not worth it. Flixya users have an unspoken code amongst them where they click on your ads and tell you by putting hit on your article. They then ask you to return the favor. It is basically cheating Google and the advertisers and eventually a crackdown will happen. I plan on putting more of my stuff on Flixya but don’t plan on participating in the Adsense revenue scheme. If you use Flixya don’t cheat it isn’t worth losing your adsense account over a few dollars.
jadi? sekarang bagaimana ? anda masih mendaftar google adsense melalui flixya ? saya rasa itu tidak mungkin lagi, tetapi ada juga jasa google adsense tanpa pihak ketiga .contohnya ini .
nah sekian info dari saya mengenai flixya di banned dari google adsense .
dukung ban gt radial .dan ini dan ini .
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